I started a blog!! - here’s why…

I started a blog!! - here’s why…

hi ya'll


my name is payton and here I am, writing my very first blog post! honestly, I never thought that I would start my own small business and then venture into a blog, but here I am and I am loving it.


I started Stock Roots as a way to make some extra money while in veterinary school but then I quickly realized that I wanted it to be more than just a small business, I wanted to share my experiences in vet med and in the livestock industry and just in life in general!


I have seen so many accounts of people who inspired me and I wanted to be that for someone else. let’s get this straight… vet school is HARD, life is HARD, making friends as an adult is HARD.


so, as I was sitting there one day just feeling alone and like I shouldn’t be feeling the way I was feeling, I realized that soooo many others feel these things too!!! and that thought led me to this… expanding what was just a small business, to a whole ass adventure through my life and experiences and I am BEYOND excited!!


so stay tuned because I have an immense amount of information and experiences that I cannot wait to share with ya’ll. I hope that maybe it inspires you or in the very least just helps you to know that you are not alone in how you feel!


see ya in the next post, friends




April 20th, 2023

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