hi ya’ll, it’s been a while - mostly because I’ve been in the thick of my second year of veterinary school (stay tuned for an upcoming blog about that) but also because my boyfriend & I launched an online boutique together!! and that is what I cannot wait to talk to you about today 🩷


for quite sometime now connor and I have been thinking about starting a business together - brainstorming ideas at dinner and discussing exactly what we envisioned and what we wanted from this future business. I have had this account for a while and it started as just a way to create homemade items for people as well as share my vet school experience, but then the idea hit us.. why don’t we turn stock roots into stock roots boutique???


I honestly have dreamed about having my own boutique just for fun and because I love clothes & shopping at other boutiques, but my goals have always been set on vet school, and although that is 100% still true, why wouldn’t we just turn something that was already started into a business?


I am so excited to get to pick out clothes for the site (as well as consistently being able to update my own closet as well haha) AND make money!!! veterinary school is no small fee, and having this extra income will be amazing and hopefully something we can turn into a storefront in the future and connor can run full time while I am off doing my career in vet med!


all in all, it feels surreal that the day has come, we have launched, and we are officially full-time business owners. It feels amazing to be doing this along side my best friend and I have only high hopes for our future with SRB <3


we really want everyone to know that wether it is a like, a follow, a share, an order, etc. we are so thrilled to have you along this journey with us and we could not be more thankful for YOU and YOUR support 🤍 we hope you continue to enjoy our brand and our products as much as we do.




February 1st, 2024

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